With 27 Young Australians aged 15 – 24 years becoming regular users of ICE each day the AAIC have commenced educating High School Students about the devastating effects of Ice by conducting School Workshops to get the message across by those who have lived the experience of Ice first hand.

Not. Even. Once! That’s the message of the Australian Anti Ice Campaign.
Meeting with the organisation’s Founder and Chief Executive Andre’a Simmons was an absolute pleasure but also an absolute eye opener on who can fall victim to this insidious drug. Anyone can! Perhaps you are a parent who wants to know what signs to look for and what you can do if you suspect a child is using, perhaps you are a user and want to get help or perhaps you are someone who knows someone affected is some way and just want to do what you can.

You can help by joining the AAIC’s Army, by making a donation, by volunteering or by purchasing some of their merchandise!

Take a listen to my interview with Andre’a and then head to the website to find out more.
