Rebel FM breakfast show hosts, Ash, Jodie and James are rocking their newly shaved heads today, going naked from the neck up to help raise awareness and funds for the Leukaemia Foundation in the World’s Greatest Shave.
Cheryl Jowitt, General Manager of Rebel FM says, “Ash, Jodie and James, are leading our team by example. Our company encourages its employees to be socially active and help raise awareness of the great work being done within our community by organisations like the World’s Greatest Shave”
“As an independent, family owned business, our company is committed to encouraging our staff to actively promote sustainable social change within our local communities.”
The Worlds Greatest Shave 2020 is hoping to raise $16.5 million dollars this year and the annual shave is one of their biggest events on their fundraising calendar. Blood cancer is a huge problem in Australia and is one of the leading causes of death by cancer in our country. Right now over 110 000 people are living with blood cancers and associated disorders and sadly 20 people in Australia will lose their life to blood cancer every day.
You can still donate to help fight blood cancer!