I would like to start by offering a huge congratulations to the Scenic Rim Regional Council and all who were involved in the organisation of the recent World of Work Scenic Rim Business & Careers Expo held on Thursday 18 March 2021.

The World of Work Expo was a wonderful day with businesses showcasing their career and employment opportunities to the youth of the area as well as adults looking to change their paths or find new starts.

With interactive displays and people on hand promoting careers and offering advice in Health, ADF, Retail, Trades and Traineeships and a plethora of other careers, it didn’t surprise me to hear that the event was boasting success stories before the end of the day.

Watching the students passing through The Expo, it was hard not to feel a little excitement for them. They had their whole lives in front of them and could be anyone they wanted. Some may have just found the direction they were looking for in that one day.

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christiensen was proudly in attendance for the majority of the day. You can find some of the Mayors moments with the Rebel team below as well as some other interviews and shots from the day!

If you are looking for employment and you missed The Expo simply head to www.scenicrimjobs.com.au

To the Scenic Rim Regional Council… Thanks for having us! Here’s to another successful event next year.